Monday, December 21, 2009

circle of life

Masa aku kecik dulu, tiap kali bila tiba cuti sekolah, mesti aku balik kampung. kat kampung lah aku belajar naik basikal, aku jumpa dan kenal sedara mara, aku dapat hidup kat sawah dan kebun, aku teman atukmak tambat lembu, tolong jaga padi yg dijemur, dan dapat makan macam2 buah-buahan tempatan.

sekarang ni, giliran anak2 aku pulak. aku hantar diorang ke rumah mak aku kat tangkak selama 3 minggu. aktiviti pertama of coz main basikal. tapi aku dulu belajar dgn basikal atuk aku, mana ada training wheels tu semua. lama jugak la aku kayuh sambil berdiri, sbb kalau duduk mmg sah kaki tak sampai ke pedal. kawasannya sama jugakla, kat laman rumah. cuma dulu aku boleh pergi jauh sikit sampai area kebun rambutan, kemudian pusing balik ke laman rumah. tapi sekarang kebun rambutan tu dah jadik mahkamah.

laman yg sama aku tempat aku pusing2 belajar basikal zaman 80'an dulu.

dan, aku dulu mmg peneman setia arwah atukmak aku. teman dia pergi kenduri, teman pergi rewang, teman pegi pasar, pejabat pos, atau saja2 ziarah sedara mara. kalau dekat jalan kaki, kalau jauh sikit aku bonceng basikal dgn atukmak aku. kalau lagi jauh, kami naik bas.

kali ni, giliran anak2 aku jalan2 jumpa sedara dan pergi kenduri kendara di kampung. tapi diorang naik 'kancil' lah pergi ke sana sini.... heh heh... mak aku sama mcm atukmak aku, suka berjalan.

aku harap anak2 aku seronok duduk dgn atukmama diorang. at least, orang kata dapat tukar angin.

well, until next school holidays... :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

aktiviti akhir tahun 2009 - update

* nak basuh beg2 sekolah, dan adjust sikit mana2 yg patut. Beg2 Iman nampak boleh pakai lagi tahun depan, so ok. Beg tadika Iqbal boleh buat beg sek. agama, so need to buy a new schoolbag for his sek. keb. only. Beg Ayu dah hancur, need a new one too.
aku jumpa mcm2 sampah dalam beg iqbal, termasuk vitagen yg dah kembong & expired. not one, but TWO! itulah dia... nak nyorok2 sangat... last2 tak minum pun....
Beg baru utk iqbal & ayu pun dah beli.

* Sort baju budak2 ni; mana yg boleh pass down, mana yg boleh totally let go.
Done. baju2 yg elok dah siap bungkus nak bagi org. the cutest shirts are reserve for lil' irfan. :)

* tuala2 lama yg aku simpan tu, aku nak jahit sambung2 buat selimut ayu. maybe i should learn on how to quilt. wah! very2 interesting!
tiga helai tuala lama dah dijahit sambung utk buat selimut ayu. quilting is still in progress. letih jugak nak sambung2 kotak2 itu yek. hahahahahha... itu pun mula2 aku ada hati nak buat more complex designs! hikhik... berangan...

* buku2 pun kena kemas jugak. we definitely need another book shelves.
dah beli tiga small bookshelves, each for iman, iqbal & ayu. buku belum kemas lagi.

*vacations. nak pergi mana yek?
cuti dah ambik. yahuuu!

*shopping for school supplies. bagus jugak sekolah bagi hadiah stationeries, boleh buat stok tahun depan.
pakaian sekolah belum beli lagi.

* i should start browsing topics on small-spaced interior design. terasa nak tukar susun atur rumah. barulah seronok sikit kan? *berangan*
tak sempat nak susun atur rumah. but mr hubby already dusted the whole house, and sorting things, toys, dan entah apa lagi yg di simpan berabuk2.

*aku kena buat jadual harian utk iman, iqbal and ayu.
not yet. but i will.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


teringat aku kat atukmak aku. kalau lepas dia siang ikan, mesti dia usap2 bilah pisau kat tangan, buat macam sapu butter kat roti. aku pikir dia nak bersihkan pisau, rupanya2 itu petua untuk hilangkan bau hanyir kat tangan.

dan, ini yg aku jumpa kat internet:

A must have item for the person who does the cooking and also the hosting! This Stainless Steel Soap Bar by Blomus® removes smells from your hands such as garlic, fish, and onion in a cinch! It’s easy to use, just run your hands under cool water and rub the bar between your palms, no liquid soap needed. Dry off and you’re ready to greet your guests at the door. The only give-away to your upcoming meal will be the smells from your kitchen, NOT your hands.
Additional Information:
• Made of stainless steel
• Removes smells from your hands
• Great for removing odors from garlic, fish, onion and more
• Includes black soap dish

aku terharu.

Monday, November 23, 2009

akhir tahun 2009

wah! akhirnya cuti sekolah akhir tahun sudah bermula...*aku suka* Dapat la aku berehat daripada menyental baju sekolah selama beberapa minggu ni. Part kotor yg paling susah nak hilang, kat hujung lengan belah bawah (baju sekolah agama); kotor karbon pensel. mmg melekat betul! Tapi tak sesia jugak la usaha aku merendam baju2 tu dgn vanish semalaman, menyental baju/seluar luar dan dalam, dan bilas dgn nila setiap minggu. Hasilnya, baju2 sekolah semuanya masih elok, boleh pakai lagi tahun depan, dan takdelah kusam terkepam rupanya. *pat my own back* hehehehehhe...

Now, am preparing a lil' to-do list:
* nak basuh beg2 sekolah, dan adjust sikit mana2 yg patut. Beg2 Iman nampak boleh pakai lagi tahun depan, so ok. Beg tadika Iqbal boleh buat beg sek. agama, so need to buy a new schoolbag for his sek. keb. only. Beg Ayu dah hancur, need a new one too.

* Sort baju budak2 ni; mana yg boleh pass down, mana yg boleh totally let go.

* tuala2 lama yg aku simpan tu, aku nak jahit sambung2 buat selimut ayu. maybe i should learn on how to quilt. wah! very2 interesting!

* buku2 pun kena kemas jugak. we definitely need another book shelves.

*vacations. nak pergi mana yek?

*shopping for school supplies. bagus jugak sekolah bagi hadiah stationeries, boleh buat stok tahun depan.

* i should start browsing topics on small-spaced interior design. terasa nak tukar susun atur rumah. barulah seronok sikit kan? *berangan*

*aku kena buat jadual harian utk iman, iqbal and ayu. i should monitor their homeworks and study awal2 lagi, supaya aku takde la rasa saspen bila diorang nak exam. yup, aku yg lelebih risau dan cemas. w/pun aku nampak cool jek :) malas la nak pressure budak2 study, they should enjoy their schools. but at the same time, they should try their best to excel.

so far, for year 2009, the kids are doing fine. Iman scored highest marks in few subjects both at sek. keb & agama. Final results for both schools are >95% of total percentages, very excellent. Iqbal did learnt a lot, drpd dia yg hanya tau melukis aje, now he can read, write and do simple maths (>90%, pun excellent juga). Ayu is quite advance in reading & mengaji, cuma cikgu komplen dia kurang minat menulis & mewarna. heh heh... takpelah, ayu baru 4thn kan.

me? well, i was hoping for some sort of career advancement, tapi tak tercapai. not yet. aku terasa nak sambung study, tak kisah la ambik master or at least a diploma in different field. tapi aku takut takleh nak handle study & anak2 aku nanti. of coz, i'm living in a comfort, stress-free zone right now, tapi rasa mcm kurang mencabar pulak. heh heh.. boleh?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

magic eye

Aku mmg ada masalah untuk melihat objek tersembunyi di balik corak-corak ini. masalahnya, aku nampak imej-imej tersebut tenggelam. sepatutnya imej tersebut timbul. mata aku yang kero ke apa?

Contohnya gambar ni (sumber di sini). Gambar apakah ini?

Look at the two red marks above the picture. Diverge your eyes as though you are looking through the image into the distance. Diverge your focus into the distance until you see two squares above the image turn into three squares.

When you clearly see three squares, at that distance the hidden 3D image will magically appear. Once you perceive the hidden image and depth, you can look around the entire 3D image easily. The longer you look, the clearer the illusion becomes.

It will be easier to find out the 3D image if you print the magic eye picture (black and white will also work).

*update on 13 nov 2009

this 'magic eye' trick is also known as stereogram. dengan berpandukan tips di atas, aku berjaya tengok objek tersebut! yey! fokus mata (focal point) sepatutnya berada di belakang gambar, bukannya di depan gambar, baru ler imej tersebut timbul! akhirnya berjaya jugak... peh!

this is what i found today, animated 'magic eye'. disebalik corak ini adalah.... jeng.. jeng.. jeng...

... gambar seekor ikan jerung sedang berenang-renang. kreatif betul! :)

Friday, October 02, 2009

synopsis raya 2009

[sebelum raya]

percubaan pertama buat biskut mazola. boleh la... heh heh.. *sambil hidung kembang kempis* bangga ni!

kalau sebelum ni, aku yg tulis kad raya utk dihantar kat kaum keluarga, tahun ni ada kerahan tenaga. hahahahha... bagus betul anak2 aku dah pandai menulis, masing2 tulis sendiri kad raya. bagusss... bagusss....
(mula drpd Iman lahir, aku tampal gambar anak2 dlm kad raya sebagai kenangan. boleh buat koleksi gambar mereka membesar dari tahun ke tahun; dari Iman sorang, jadik berdua dgn iqbal, dan kemudian bertiga dgn ayu :) tapi yg sedihnya, aku bagi kat org, tapi aku sendiri tak simpan satu... huhuhuhu.... )

almaklumla, rumah 'penthouse' takde laman. main ler bunga api kat balkoni aje. heh heh...

balik kampung kat k/pilah. entah apa perangai sorang2. yg si Iqbal sebok menulis entah apa (homework tak siap2 jugak) dan lukis peta. ayu pulak tgh bad mood, mula lah pening kepala lah, sakit perut la.... glad we arrived safely at padang lebar. w/pun ada tersangkut sana sini, biasalah, heavy traffics, semua org nak balik kampung... :)

[pagi raya]

wokeh, beratur... beratur... salam, cium tangan, boleh dapat duit raya sorang satu. lepas tu bagi kat omi tau! jgn sepah2. nanti org lain kebas. hehehehehhe...

[raya ke-2]

raya ke-2 singgah Tangkak sekejap utk beraya rumah mak/pak sedara dan atuk sedara. kemudian kami terus balik puchong utk basuh baju dan repacking, sebelum bertolak ke Sg Sumun. Mak aku, mokde & mokteh tahun ni beraya dgn poksu, jadi kami pun ke sana la...

[raya ke-3]

dari Puchong kami terus gerak ke taiping. singgah sekejap melawat muzium, kemudian ke zoo. keluarga poksu, mak aku, mokde & mokteh dah menunggu.
yg khusyuk baca buku tu moksu aku. dia target nak khatam 3 buah novel sempena cuti raya ni. heheheh... lepas pusing2 zoo, kitorang ke gerai makan belakang bomba. makan yong tau fu & sotong kangkung.. nostalgia sungguh!

[raya ke-4]

pergi pulau pangkor la pulak. heh heh... dari pagi sampai ke petang. lepas pusing2 satu pulau, kita piknik tepi laut.
jernih betul air laut kat sini! pasir pun halus je... mmg best!

[raya ke-5]

singgah pasir salak sekejap sebelum gerak ke cameron highland. giler jalan sakan!

kalau aku nak ulas kisah pasir salak ni, mmg panjang. perebutan kuasa, penindasan, tak puas hati, dan memberontak. (datuk maharajalela seorang pejuang atau penjenayah?)

dari pasir salak kami ke tapah, tunggu family husband sampai (diorang beraya kat malim nawar). kemudian, kami ramai2 ke cameron highland.

[raya ke-6]

kami bermalam di tanah rata. bagus jalan masa raya2 ni, org tak ramai. sewa apartment pun murah. puas hati jugak la.

dari cameron highland, aku sekeluarga terus balik puchong (eh, takde lah terus balik terus pun, singgah kejap kat rawang, rumah angah)... penat woooo... melepek habih! besok tu, sambung lagi beraya kat rumah mak/pak sedara kat kl pulak.... peh!

biasalah, kalau tak bergambar dgn pokok teh mmg tak sah. hehehehehhe....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

menghampiri syawal 1430H

raya datang lagi... sedar tak sedar dah nak dekat sebulan kita berpuasa. aku bangga dgn Iman & Iqbal kerana berpuasa hampir penuh tahun ni. Hari yg tak puasa pun sbb demam dan haus sgt katanya. takpelah. diorang baru 5-6thn. tapi masa kecik2 ni lah kena prektis pose. senang kita nak membentuknya. cuma kena lebihkan bersabar, kena puji2 melambung2, kena bagi kata2 semangat, dan kena cerita yg best2 pasal puasa dan raya. everyday, without fail. yup, itu je syaratnya. :)

aku bukan rajin sgt nak bangun sahur, tapi sbb nak ajar bebudak ni puasa, mmg takleh miss sahurlah. iman tak banyak kerenah. bila di kejut dia terus bangun pegi makan. iqbal plk, masa awal2 puasa dia ok. bila dah akhir2 ni, siap menangislah, nak dukunglah, entah hapa lagi perangai. kadang2 dah bunyik azan, tapi dia masih makan, saje lambat2. aku biarkan aje. yg penting lepas tu, dia kena puasa jugak.

ayu pulak? ada juga dia puasa sehari dua, lepas tu dah tak tahan. sakit perutlah, angin lah, hauslah, penatlah. yg kelakarnya, dia dah melantak kuih & milo jam 6ptg; masa berbuka, dia pun berkobar2 sama nak makan mengalahkan org puasa! heheheheh....

owh, tahun ni, utk julung2 kalinya aku buat biskut raya: biskut mazola. hahahhahaha... mcm tak percaya plk. mmg jadik, mmg sedap. senang rupanya membuatnya. anak2 aku pun suka. tapi nampaknya mmg tak sempat nak bagi org lain makan, sbb kitorang dah perabiskan setengah telap. hehehehehhe.... (zahra, aku simpankan seketul biskut mazola utk kau yek.)

(klik gambar utk lebih jelas)
iye, aku takde gambar sefamily yg terkini. dan nak carik gambar budak bertiga ni pun payah. jadi, terimalah gambar ucapan raya yg agak garang untuk tahun ni. :)

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Friday, September 04, 2009

I’m Sorry, What Did You Say?

I’m Sorry, What Did You Say?
By: Natalie Willis

Dear Makers of Rosetta Stone Language Software,

I seem to have a problem I was hoping you could help me with. I have three beautiful, smart children. I know they are smart because their teachers tell me so, and this assertion is backed up by test grades and report cards. So, I have to assume the shortcoming in our relationship comes from me.

Now, when I was in high school and college I had to take a foreign language. I opted for Latin, given my desire to someday get paid to argue (lawyer) or get paid to fix little kids boo-boos with a kiss and a smile and maybe write them a ’script (doctor). I followed through on neither career choice, by the way.

So, while it makes me feel all smart and stuff that I can conjugate words like abstineô and tell you the root meaning of cerebr, it has very little everyday usefulness.

This is not the first time my lack of language skills has gotten me in trouble. I have been known on more than one occasion to greatly offend some of my Spanish-speaking friends by asking what seemed to be a simple question. While I am certain I said, “May I please borrow your restroom?” in fact, what I actually said is something along the lines of, “My chicken pooped on your grandmother’s toast.”

Yeah. Me? Not so good with the other languages.

I thought I had English down pretty well, though. However, there seems to be an issue with my dialect. Or accent. Or enunciation. Or something.

As I mentioned above, my kids are smart. Really. So, when I say, “Please go brush your teeth,” and they hear “Please go play your Nintendo DS,” I have no choice but to believe it is some failure on my part.

Just this morning …

I said: “Please hurry. We are running late.”
They heard: “Please try to set a world record for slowest walking human. EVER.”

I said: “Get dressed.”
They heard: “Why don’t you sit on your floor, wrapped in a towel, after your shower, and catch up on some reading?”

I said: “I am going to go brush my teeth. Please have all your school stuff by the door, ready to go.”
They heard: “Please, for Pete’s sweet sake, take everything you own out of your back pack and dump it in a pile in the middle of the living room floor so that you can verify the existence of your very favorite pencil because if you don’t have it there is simply no way you can do your schoolwork.”

So, as you can see, there is obviously a language barrier issue here. Maybe it is merely a dialect issue? Maybe it is a whole other language that I can’t possibly expect them to understand? Maybe I actually don’t make any sound at all and they are just doing the best they can trying to understand my nonexistent subtitles?

Either way, I clearly need your help. It is not them. It is me. I know that and have taken the first step to solving my problem. However, I looked all through your website. I found Swahili, Mandarin and even Persian. And while those sound like interesting languages to learn, they are not exactly applicable to my particular situation. At least I don’t think they are. Maybe that is my problem … I am not even sure what language my children understand.

Rosetta Stone, we are a family in crisis. What kind of mother can I be, if we can’t communicate effectively? I beg of you, please let me know exactly what software it is I need to purchase with three easy credit card payments of $39.95 plus shipping and handling? My family’s health, well being, and tooth brushing depends on you.

Thank you so much for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


First published February 2009


heh heh.. tergelak baca artikel ni...

the sentences bold in red? it is sooooooooooo iqbal. not wrapped-in-towel version, but holding-clothes-in-one-hand type. and not only he has a sudden urge and interest to read, he'll also take time to rearrange his toy vehicles. and while at it, he'll reorganised his toy farm too.

kadang2 aku terpikir jugak, apa la yg budak2 ni pikir dan dengar bila kita cakap atau suruh diorang buat itu ini. cakap perlahan pun tak jalan, kalau terpekik2 kang, buat sakit tekak aje.

iysk.. iysk...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


kejadian ni mmg betul2 berlaku. bukan cobaan. manalah aku sangka, tgh elok2 tidur boleh pulak anak aku sorang ni bangun dgn berlumuran darah! ngeri giler!

minggu lepas, hari selasa lebih kurang jam 4 pagi. Iman kejutkan aku. dia kata badan dia panas, mcm demam. aku pun rasa dahi dia mmg panas sikit, dan badan dia berpeluh. jadi aku bagi dia makan ubat demam. lepas tu aku suruh dia tidur balik dalam bilik dgn iqbal.

oleh sebab iman bukak lampu bilik, si iqbal terjaga sambil menggosok2 mata. iman pun cakap, 'omi, tengok iqbal ni!' sambil tunjuk baju iqbal. aku pun hairanlah sbb mcm ada tompok2 coklat kat baju iqbal, dan kat bantal, cadar dan selimut. aku pun tanya iman, dia muntah kat iqbal ke? iman cakap takde, mana ada dia muntah.

aku jadik panik. aku belek2 telinga dia, hidung dia, kepala dia kot2 berdarah. tapi takde pulak. bila aku tengok leher dan bawah dagu, aku punyalah terkejut sbb ada luka besar tersopak kedalam, nampak isi daging, betul2 bawah dagu dia! astaghfirullah...

aku kejut husband sambil cuba bertenang. ok, darah dah kering, takde la aku risau sgt. cuma kami tampal plaster besar (adhesive wound dressing) utk cover luka tu. iqbal masih blur, dia langsung tak menangis atau cakap sakit. bila aku tanya kena kat mana, dia tunjuk birai katil. aku musykil. mcm mana boleh terkena kat situ padahal besi katil tu di tutup dgn tilam, dan tiada setitik darah pun kat lantai.

setelah buat CSI lebih kurang, dan keluarkan mcm2 teori. kitorang sambung tido... masih awal pagi kan.... aku bagi iqbal makan ubat demam utk kurangkan sakit dan tak mau dia demam.

pagi tu kat klinik, luka dia kena jahit. 4 benang hitam tersimpul bawah dagu. ngilu aku tengok. dah berjahit bawah dagu pun masih melompat, berlari sana sini. lemah lutut aku tengok budak sorang ni. iysk, mmg tak reti sakit agaknya.

inilah rupanya dari bawah. kena tukar plaster selalu sbb makan comot2, sampai dagu. kang tak pasal2 semut hurung ke apa.

lepas kejadian tu, mmg macam2 aku pikir. aku rasa mcm mimpi pun ada, percaya tak percaya. and we thought he's safely tucked in his bed that night! inilah yg dinamakan takdir. kalau dah nak kena, kat mana2/apa cara pun kena jugak.

jenuh aku & hubby buat CSI dalam bilik. belek2 bawah katil, bucu katil, atas katil.. tapi masih buntu. kalaulah dia jatuh ke bawah katil, mestilah kepala terhantuk dulu kan masa dia nak bangun? mcm mana dagu pulak boleh tersangkut, terkoyak mcm tu sekali? entahla...

i shuddered to think what if he's not stop bleeding that night. what if the wound more severed? my child is wounded yet i'm deep asleep, oblivious to what was happening. ngeri betul. aku berdoa semoga Allah melindungi anak2 aku dari segala bahaya.

Bismillahi Tawakal tu al Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

dua org budak dah tak sabar nak berbuka. iqbal pun puasa jugak w/pun bertampal dagu.
awal2 lagi dah mengadap air oren sejuk. :)
(menyambut awal ramadhan di rumah arwah atuk, tangkak)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ramadhan 1430H

Iman dah mula berpuasa penuh sejak hari pertama lagi. maklumlah, dah darjah 1, takkan nak separuh hari lagi. lagipun tgh cuti sekolah. mmg duduk rumah je, takde pegi mana.

untuk menggalakkan iman, iqbal & ayu berpuasa, berbuih2lah mulut omi & abah menerangkan apa itu puasa, mengapa perlu puasa, nikmat puasa (nanti dapat berbuka dan lepas sebulan puasa dapat beraya).

iman & iqbal nampak dah faham... tapi ayu? heh heh.. pagi2 1 ramadhan tu, aku tanya dia..

omi: ayu nak puasa tak?
ayu: NAK! (peh, semangat betul)
lepas tu ayu tanya lagi: nak pakai baju apa?

aku blur kejap. apehal la nak puasa tanya pakai baju apa pulak? rupa2nya dia ingat puasa tu raya.... hahahhahahahah.... alahaiii... heh heh.. dalam berjela2 cakap pasal puasa, raya je yg dia faham....

[unplanned vacation, 1-2 aug 2009]
iman, iqbal dan ayu sebok tanya, bila nak pegi hotel, nak mandi swimming pool. ye la, sbb dah janji masa cuti sekolah hari tu kan. tapi dah semua kena cikenpox, mcm mana nak pegi?

aku pun survey2 la tempat2 yg berhampiran. aku jumpa satu resort kat pantai morib. cantekkkk... dekat pun dekat... lalu banting boleh singgah beli kerepek. sampai je sana, tengok2 oarang punyalah ramai. laaa.... ada reunion sekolah pulak... bilik semua penuh. aduilah... menyesal tak booking awal2. hampeh...

perjalanan diteruskan ke arah selatan. konon2 nak pegi sri malaysia bagan lalang. pun penuh jugak! ada family reunion pulak dahhh.... last2 terus ke PD.

kat PD pun penuh daaa... tak sangka la pulak ramai yg nak berunion hujung minggu tu. aku tengok jam dah pkl 5. kalau tak jumpa jugak resort yg sesuai dgn budget, mmg aku cadang terus balik tangkak je la...

last2 setel kat ilham resort. yahuu... anak2 aku mmg seronok la. tukar baju terus berendam dalam kolam. heh heh...

owh.. rupa2nya ilham resort ni terletak di sebelah kawasan rumah api tanjung tuan. selain tempat rumah api, kat sinilah tempat persinggahan burung2 yg berhijrah dari utara/selatan.
fuh! semput aku nak jejak sampai ke kawasan ni. ambik nafas dulu sebelum panjat tangga.

sambung berendam dalam kolam. ayu muka cuak sbb bekas air tu terlepas dari tangan dia bila dia nak simbah air ke abang iman/iqbal. heh heh...

[ulu bendul]
hari tu kitorang balik k/pilah, singgah mandi sungai kat ulu bendul. sejuk betul air dia.

ini budak 2 org yg tak reti sejuk. leka betul main air.

Friday, August 14, 2009

di pondok kecil

dipondok kecil di pantai ombak
berbuih putih beralun-alun

disuatu hari ayah berkata
jaga adik mu ayahkan pergi jauh
ku pandang wajah ayah dahinya ku cium
air mata mengalir hatiku pilu

diam-diamlah sayang jangan menangis
doakan ayah semoga diterima
diam adik ku sayang jangan menangis
andai ayah gugur doakan dia syahid

selamat berjuangan ayah tercinta
kau pergi dulu ayah ke medan juang
ku iringi doa moga berjaya
beroleh kemenangan demi agama Islam

wahai abang ku kemana ayah
ku sayang ayah ku cinta ayah

duhai adik ku sayang jangan bersedih
ayah mu pergi menyambut seruan Ilahi
tapi ingatlah adik ku pesanan ayah
berjuangan dan berkorban walau dimana jua

pada Mu Tuhan aku bermohon
dosa ayah ku minta diampunkan
berilah rahmat bantulah dia
untuk menegakkan agama Islam

(youtube link: Nadamurni_dipondok kecil)

sayu pulak bila terngiang lagu ni kat telinga aku. teringat balik zaman2 sekolah dulu, layan lagu ni kat surau..
alfatihah utk Ust. Asri (Rabbani). terima kasih kerana meminjamkan suaramu utk mengalunkan zikrullah dan nasyid2 yg indah.

Friday, July 24, 2009

i need to post this! :)

Monster with Boobs
By: Maija Threlkeld
devine caroline)

Lately my five-year-old has been drawing profusely after school. Always with a red crayon. As he draws, he shares aloud the “story” that he is creating. No surprise, there’s at least two “blasts” and lots of “pew-pew” shooting sounds mixed with rockets, fireballs, and something called blasters.

By the time the narration ends, his drawing is covered with a swirl of red hiding the layers of events underneath. These action-filled abstracts add excitement to our bulletin boards.

Today as I sifted through the basket holding the drawings—with three children it’s spilling over by day’s end, I was startled by a red outline of a creature with distinct boobs, areola included. I knew my son’s artwork had evolved to the current potato stick people stage, but so far there hadn’t been any detailed anatomy. The one time I had thought a potato person had been “enhanced,” I was quickly informed, “That’s his gun on his belt.” Oh.

But these were clearly boobs. Long, droopy boobs in need of a serious breast augmentation. The only boobs he seems to focus on are his Mom’s so this wild-eyed monster creature with hanging boobs is meant to be
me. And here I thought mine were well, still relatively perky.

Motherhood has its share of indignities but this just sucks.

What a vision too. I commanded the entire vertical sheet. My feet stood on the paper’s edge and my swirly hair graced the other. My body was one enormous vertical square from which the boobs slung over like straps off a saddle. My arms (drawn as thin lines, but what does that matter now) were raised from my sides, topped with circles depicting my hands and jutting out stick fingers. I appear to be wearing pants and heavy boots or shoes.

All femininity shot to hell. To my son, I am Hulk Mom.

At least at my side is an adorable cat, or what appears to be one. The cat’s smiling, whereas I have a serious straight mouth. I look angry. My mind darts to all of the recent battles of wills and scoldings and challenges. Obviously it’s been too much for my poor little boy: this monster mother overpowering the page must mean he is overwhelmed by me.

I feel William’s warm cheek as he peeks over my shoulder and then catches my eye, happy to find me admiring his artwork so intently.

“See Mommy? It’s Mario!”

“Mario? Mario, the character from Nintendo?”

“Yeah!” he beams back.

“But what are … What
is this?” I carefully inquire, pointing gingerly toward the areola of one boob.

“Those are his BUTTONS!” William cheerfully hollers before scampering off to draw some more.

So much for art therapy. My femininity—and perky boobs—are reclaimed. For now.


hahahha.. lawak giler...

aku pun ada cerita iras-iras mcm ni...

ada satu malam tu, iqbal tiba-tiba cakap, 'omi ada titik!' sambil tergelak2 menengok aku.

aku terkejut sebab dengar dia sebut 'tetek'. aku nak marah jugakla, tapi aku tanya balik, 'titik apa?' dengan muka berkerut.

dia jawab, 'tu, titik kat kaki!' dan sambung gelak.

laaa... dia tunjuk taik lalat kat kaki aku rupanya.... aduyaii...


Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily
yahoo news)

WASHINGTON – The best time to learn a foreign language: Between birth and age 7. Missed that window?

New research is showing just how children's brains can become bilingual so easily, findings that scientists hope eventually could help the rest of us learn a new language a bit easier.

"We think the magic that kids apply to this learning situation, some of the principles, can be imported into learning programs for adults," says Dr. Patricia Kuhl of the University of Washington, who is part of an international team now trying to turn those lessons into more teachable technology.

Each language uses a unique set of sounds. Scientists now know babies are born with the ability to distinguish all of them, but that ability starts weakening even before they start talking, by the first birthday.

Kuhl offers an example: Japanese doesn't distinguish between the "L" and "R" sounds of English — "rake" and "lake" would sound the same. Her team proved that a 7-month-old in Tokyo and a 7-month-old in Seattle respond equally well to those different sounds. But by 11 months, the Japanese infant had lost a lot of that ability.

Time out — how do you test a baby? By tracking eye gaze. Make a fun toy appear on one side or the other whenever there's a particular sound. The baby quickly learns to look on that side whenever he or she hears a brand-new but similar sound. Noninvasive brain scans document how the brain is processing and imprinting language.

Mastering your dominant language gets in the way of learning a second, less familiar one, Kuhl's research suggests. The brain tunes out sounds that don't fit.

"You're building a brain architecture that's a perfect fit for Japanese or English or French," whatever is native, Kuhl explains — or, if you're a lucky baby, a brain with two sets of neural circuits dedicated to two languages.

It's remarkable that babies being raised bilingual — by simply speaking to them in two languages — can learn both in the time it takes most babies to learn one. On average, monolingual and bilingual babies start talking around age 1 and can say about 50 words by 18 months.

Italian researchers wondered why there wasn't a delay, and reported this month in the journal Science that being bilingual seems to make the brain more flexible.

The researchers tested 44 12-month-olds to see how they recognized three-syllable patterns — nonsense words, just to test sound learning. Sure enough, gaze-tracking showed the bilingual babies learned two kinds of patterns at the same time — like lo-ba-lo or lo-lo-ba — while the one-language babies learned only one, concluded Agnes Melinda Kovacs of Italy's International School for Advanced Studies.

While new language learning is easiest by age 7, the ability markedly declines after puberty.

"We're seeing the brain as more plastic and ready to create new circuits before than after puberty," Kuhl says. As an adult, "it's a totally different process. You won't learn it in the same way. You won't become (as good as) a native speaker.

"Yet a soon-to-be-released survey from the Center for Applied Linguistics, a nonprofit organization that researches language issues, shows U.S. elementary schools cut back on foreign language instruction over the last decade. About a quarter of public elementary schools were teaching foreign languages in 1997, but just 15 percent last year, say preliminary results posted on the center's Web site.

What might help people who missed their childhood window? Baby brains need personal interaction to soak in a new language — TV or CDs alone don't work. So researchers are improving the technology that adults tend to use for language learning, to make it more social and possibly tap brain circuitry that tots would use.

Recall that Japanese "L" and "R" difficulty? Kuhl and scientists at Tokyo Denki University and the University of Minnesota helped develop a computer language program that pictures people speaking in "motherese," the slow exaggeration of sounds that parents use with babies.

Japanese college students who'd had little exposure to spoken English underwent 12 sessions listening to exaggerated "Ls" and "Rs" while watching the computerized instructor's face pronounce English words. Brain scans — a hair dryer-looking device called MEG, for magnetoencephalography — that measure millisecond-by-millisecond activity showed the students could better distinguish between those alien English sounds. And they pronounced them better, too, the team reported in the journal NeuroImage.

"It's our very first, preliminary crude attempt but the gains were phenomenal," says Kuhl.But she'd rather see parents follow biology and expose youngsters early. If you speak a second language, speak it at home. Or find a play group or caregiver where your child can hear another language regularly."You'll be surprised," Kuhl says.

"They do seem to pick it up like sponges."


yup, children learn and absorb everything quickly, not just on languages.

aku pun konon2 nak jugakla latih anak2 aku ni bercakap b/inggeris di rumah. i mean with proper sentences and correct grammar. bukan manglish yek, bahasa rojak bukan termasuk kategori 'bilingual' (w/pun aku selalu jugak merojakkkan bahasa :).

aku teringat kat Iman, masa dia umur 4-5 thn, after watching playhouse disney channel all day long; he just shouted 'hey, wait for me!' when he was left behind. Of course children love to copy and imitate others, but citing the phrase at the right moment meaning that they really understand the words.

and a few days ago, iqbal said, 'omi, may i borrow your water' when asking for a plain water to drink. hehehhe. muka serius pulak tu.

ayu? part ni ada konfius sikit. bila kita cakap 'are you....', dia perasan kita panggil nama dia, 'ayu'. mcm mana tu?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


apesal sehari dua ni ofis aku sejuk giler? harus aku bawak comforter esok. dah pakai jaket pun terasa sejuk sampai ke tulang! *gigil*

[spelling frenzy]
sejak hujung minggu lepas, dari bukak mata sampai tutup mata, si ayu tak habih2 mengeja. dah la tu, siap jerit2 sebijik mcm kat sekolah dia! bingit betul. setakat ni dia berjaya eja perkataan yg mudah2, sukukata yang mengandungi satu atau dua huruf. kalau masuk tiga huruf, dia kata dia tak belajar lagi. heh heh..

N, A = naaa... S, I = sik... NASIK!
A = aaa... B, H = bah... ABAH!
B, A = baaa... P, A = pak.. BAPAK!

lagi satu, ni mmg aku kurang faham..

U = uuu... M, I = miii.... UMI!
B, E, N, ten... BEN-10!
A = aaa.. B, A, H = bah... ABAH! (dah betul eja ABAH)

bila aku tanya kat ayu, ape bende 'umi ben-10 abah' tu?
dia jawab: sebab, Iman Hariz Bin Hazril. Umi Ben-10 Abah lah.

hmm... adakah dia ingat Ben-10, Bin dan Binti tu semuanya sama? entahla labuu...

tapi cute jugak tengok mulut dia terkumat kamit bila kita bagi dia perkataan suruh eja. dia akan sebutkan huruf vokal dulu, kemudian baru dia padankan dgn huruf konsonan yg menghasilkan bunyi tu.

kalau aku suruh eja BU, dia akan bunyikkan U dulu, baru kemudian dia tambah B, U= buuu...
heh heh.. really cute!

having witnessing many weddings of close relatives, iman, iqbal dan ayu start to speculate on how umi and abah got married.

*aku mencuri dengar sambil tersengeh2 menahan gelak*
iman: masa omi dgn abah kawin, iman kan jadik baby. ayu dalam perut abah, iqbal dalam perut umi.
ayu: ayu masa tu kecik sangat. ayu tak tengok omi dgn abah kawin. ayu kena tinggal dgn bibik.
iqbal: iqbal pun tak tengok omi dgn abah kawin. masa tu iqbal kena tinggal kat tangkak, dgn atuk mama, dan atuk ude.

hehehhe... memandai-mandai je korang yek...

Friday, July 10, 2009


ayu's now yapping a lot! kadang2 aku tak tau ujung pangkal cerita dia. dan kadang2 tu, aku hanya mampu memandang, bemused by her non-stop talking sambil berkata dalam hati, 'apahal lah budak ni tak berenti bercakap. bingit betul telinga.. nak tengok tv pun tak boleh.'

of coz le aku tak cakap mcm tu kat dia. heh heh. kadang2 aku angguk kepala. kadang2 aku cakap, 'hmmm..' atau 'iye?'. in approriate places.

kalau abang iman cakap pasal pensel, si ayu pun sebok la cerita kawan dia ada pensel barbie. warna pink. kalau abang iqbal cerita pasal kawan dia kat sekolah, si ayu pun sebok cerita pasal kawan dia kat sekolah jugak. dah sah2 diorang satu sekolah yg sama, mestilah diorang berkawan dgn org yg sama, dan cerita pun cerita yg sama kan?

malam tadi aku tanya, 'iqbal dgn ayu makan apa kat sekolah tgh hari tadi?'
iqbal jawab: ikan.
ayu jawab:
omi, tadi kan.. kat sekolah kan.. ayu makan kaki ikan. cikgu bagi kaki ikan kat ayu. tapi ayu tak nak sebab ayu tak suka makan kaki ikan. ayu suka makan ikan sahaja. kaki dia ayu taknak.

jawapan yg panjang lebar dan terperinci. dah besar sok boleh tulis novel. eh, kejap. sejak bila ikan ada kaki?

dan hari tu abah tanya ayu: 'ayu suka main dgn patung barbie ke?'
ayu jawab:
tak. kadang-kadang ayu suka main dgn patung barbie. kadang2 ayu tak suka. suke tak suke jadik uke. uke tu apa?

ayu dah ambik shortcut. tak pass lagi tulis ABC sampai Z, dia dah pandai membaca dan mengeja. anak ke-3 dgn abang2 yg rapat2 umurnya mmg mcm ni kot, cepat catch-up. in fact i don't remember sitting down with ayu reading ABC. mungkin sebab aku dah tak larat nak ulang lagi ABC lepas iman & iqbal. bila aku ajar iman & iqbal membaca, dgn ayu2 sekali aku ajar baca buku. heh heh.

malam tadi ayu eja:
M-A, MA...... T-A, TA........ MATA.......
M-A, MA...... T-E, TE......... MATE...

heh heh. mmg terer.

iqbal konpius. mengapa ejaan lain daripada sebutan. dia tanya "'A' tu bunyik dia 'WA' ke? kenapa 'seluar' jadik 'seluwar'? kenapa 'keluar' jadik 'keluwar'?"

dan iqbal konpius ejaan english. dia tanya aku hari tu, 'kalau eja pensel dalam english, pen-cil ke, pen-sale? dua-dua boleh ke?'.

dan, 'kalau 'PU' dalam bahasa inggeris, sebut dia 'PA' ke? kenapa sebut 'pazel' (puzzle)?

berbuih2 aku menerangkan tentang ejaan dan sebutan ni. entah dia faham ke tak. last2 aku bukak dictionary program kat h/phone aku, bagi dia sendiri dengar sebutannya mcm mana. lama2 nanti ok la kan?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

the show..

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
to be something I'm not
I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go

and just enjoy the show
oh oh
Just enjoy the show
oh oh

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
dum de dum
dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

p/s: mula2 aku dengar lagu ni kat radio, ingatkan Yuna yg nyanyi. rupanya org lain. tapi lagu ni pun best jugak layan.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

entah apa penyakit..

..yg berjangkit kat Iman. seminggu lepas dia kejap demam kejap ok. hanya banyak minum air, tapi tak lalu nak makan. tak pasal2 kena tahan kat wad suspected denggi. dan tak pasal2 jugak kitorang berkampung ramai2 kat situ. mujur dapat single room.
peh! mcm bilik hotel. ini bercuti2 di wad namanya. almaklumlah masa cuti sekolah lepas tiga-tiga kena chickenpox, tak berjalan mana. boleh la ni, kan???

[ambik report cards]

cikgu Iman komen:
Iman ni nampak pendiam, tapi tak sangka banyak main!
*boleh tahan gak nakal dia kat sekolah yek*

cikgu Iqbal komen:
Iqbal selalu melayang dalam kelas. tapi bila kantoi, pandai plk cover konon2 dia tgh habih tekun belajar la tu. tapi setakat ni, kalau cikgu tanya soalan, w/pun dia tgh khayal, dia dapat jawab.
*kalau nak tengok dia concerntrate, tengok le masa dia tgh main mainan atau melukis. air liur meleleh pun tak perasan*

cikgu Ayu komen:
Ayu tulis lambat, dia tak berapa suka menulis. tapi dia suka buat kira2, gariskan, warnakan, suaikan sahaja. kaler pun nak cepat aje. kalau boleh dia nak guna satu warna for the whole picture. kalau suruh baca pun nak cepat aje alih m/surat sebelah. dan moody habih!
*sama la macam kat rumah. kalau dia taknak tu, jgn le paksa2, mmg dia buat muka toye aje. kita yg penat + naik darah*

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

cuti sekolah

lega. i think i needed the 'cuti sekolah' more than the kids. kui..kui..kui... almaklumla, kitorang ni maidless. jadi, bila hari sekolah tu mmg agak huru hara gak la. bertambah pulak dgn baju sekolah yg kena sental baru bersih. mana boleh campak dalam washing machine semata. tak jalan punya. tu pun kena rendam dgn 'vanish' dulu satu malam. 

malam tadi dapat le aku berdating sambil menonton wayang. Monster vs. Alien. 3D. hikhikhik... effect dia mmg best la, real!

[chicken pox]
ayu & iman pulak kena chickenpox. takpelah, mmg cuti sekolah pun kan?? cuma, kesian kat Uwan diorang kena jaga cucu-cucu yg sakit. aduyaiii...
ayu bergambar ikut sequence, mula-mula jari satu, lepas tu dua, lepas tu tiga.. sampai sepuluh. heh heh. aku layan je la budak kecik ni, sambil menunggu abah dia pegi beli air kelapa.

[hot spells]
cuaca punyalah panas membahang, habih pokok2 aku kering, daun pun gugur banyak. alahai... kesian pokok2 aku...
habih gugur daun belah kiri, yg kena pancaran matahari. padahal mula2 dulu, belah kena matahari ni lah yg paling lebat daun dan buahnya. huhuhuhu.... 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


kesian iqbal, penuh satu badan kena chicken pox, dari kepala sampai ke kaki. satu badan kena lumur dgn calamine lotion bagi kurangkan sikit gatal2. semoga cepat sembuh.
minum pun pakai straw sbb dalam mulut kena ulcer.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

little manhattan

watched 'little manhattan' last night. sweeeettttt...
L.O.V.E - It was the pain that had no name. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

tagged by ateen

p/s: finally.  posted this up on 18 may 2009. 10:15pm.

i need to answer questions posted by maklongnya bedah.. banyak tuuuuu.... 
(ni pun dah berhariminggu tertangguh..)

1) Were you named after anyone? 
Nope. but actually i was named after a car. tapi tak tau la kalau mak aku saje2 je reka cerita. susah2 sgt korang tanya la sendiri. *still in denial*

hmmm.. menurut cerita mak aku, masa aku lahir tu, parents aku ada beli kereta Mazda. mak aku berkenan pulak kat nama kereta tu 'mazda'. mak aku tambah nama 'lin' kat tengah2, dan buang huruf M sbb nak bagi rhyme dgn nama bapak aku, Azlan. kreatif giler kan?

2) When was the last time you cried? 
semalam (last monday few weeks actually), while visting a colleague who lost her premature baby (32 weeks old). we all thought the baby'll survived after one week in ICU, tapi Allah lebih menyayanginya.

3) Do you like your handwriting? 
kadang-kadang aku rasa buruk giler (bila tulis malas2). but sometime i really admire my handwriting, comel pulak. heh heh.

4) What is your favourite lunch meal? 
simple nasi dgn satu lauk, satu sayur, sepotong buah-buahan & air suam.

5) Do you have kids? 
3 ketul.

6) If you were another person, would you like to be friends with you? 
mestilah, aku mmg best.

7) Do you use sarcasm? 

8) Do you still have your tonsils? 

9) Would you bungee jump? 
tak mungkin.

10) What is your favourite cereal? 
honey star & choco pops.

11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
aku prefer zap-on. atau kasut sarung.

12) What is your favourite ice–cream? 
vanilla with cookie bits.

13) What is the first thing you notice about people? 

14) Red or pink? 

15) What is the least favourite thing about yourself? 
gigi aku. 

16) Who do you miss the most? 
iqbal. kesian dia kena chicken pox, dan kena tinggal dgn uwan dia to recover.

17) Do you want everyone to complete this list? 
wajib bila aku dah tag korang. heh heh heh.

18) What colour of trousers and shoes are your wearing?
 now? i'm in my pj's.

19) What are you listening to right now? 
takde. tapi kat belakang aku ada bunyik berdengkur (ayu's).

20) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? 

21) Favourite smells? 
freshly brewed coffee (w/pun aku jarang minum kopi), freshly cut grass (mengingatkan aku pada sawah bendang atuk aku), bau ikan goreng yg garing & panas2.

22) The last person you talked to on the phone? 
my MIL, this afternoon, asking abt iqbal's condition. 

23) Do you like the person who sent you this? 
sapa? ateen? dulu aku kawan biasa2 je dgn dia. sekarang aku suka dia sbb dia ada blog yg buat aku sengeh.

24) Favourite sports to watch? 

25) Hair colour? 

26) Eye colour? 
Dark brown

27) Do you wear contacts? 
Yup. But not to work. pedih la mata kena aircond.

28) Favourite food? 

28) Scary or happy endings? 
Happy endings, of course.

29) Last movie you watched? 
wayang ka? X-Men Origin: Wolverine. 

30) What colour of shirt are you wearing? 

31) Summer or winter? 
aku suka hari mendung, hujan pun renyai2 je kan. nyamann je rasa.

32) Favourite dessert? 

33) Most likely to respond? 
Has. saje bagi dia some works to do in her freetime :)

34) Least likely to respond? 
Edi. dia agak busy dgn cupcakes nya, entah bila aku dpt merasa cupcake dia.

35) What books are you reading? 
am currently study the 17025 standard for a short course on lab mgmt. *big yawn*

36) What is on your mousepad? 

37) What did you watch last night? 
the biggest loser.

38) Rolling Stones? Beattles? 
aku tak reti band2 omputih ni. aku layan rock kapak aje. heh heh.

39) Where is the furthest you have been from home? 
John O'Groats. The northern tip of Scotland. hajat hati nak pegi kutub utara, tapi tak sampai pulak.

40) Do you have a special talent? 
kadang aku suka cuba resepi baru, kadang aku suka menjahit.

41) Where were you born? 

42) Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back? 
Has & Edi. :) sila buat.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


iqbal main futsal utk tadika dia. dekat sebulan jugaklah dia berlatih, termasuk pagi sabtu & ahad. tu pun beberapa kali ponteng latihan sbb malas bangun pagi. dah le tu, ada friendly match pun taknak pegi. sesuka ati dia jek. 

berlatih futsal dgn cikgu tadika merangkap jurulatih yg sgt penyabar. boleh dia kontrol bebudak umur 5-6thn ramai-ramai nih. ada ke tengah berlatih, boleh pulak 2-3org merayap main gelongsor kat playground sebelah. aku tengok pun pening.

inilah hari yg ditunggu2. perlawanan futsal peringkat puchong. aku gelak sampai sakit perut sbb kelakar tengok bebudak ni beramai2 kejar bola satu padang. diorang ikut je mana bola tu pegi. gigih sungguh!

the result? team iqbal hanya dapat hadiah saguhati. tapi, friendly match yg dia malas nak pegi tu kan, tadika dia jadik johan pulak. adakah.....???


aku peningla, sepatutnya nama kat bawah, lencana kat atas, ke? atau lencana kat bawah, nama kat atas? atau mmg boleh sesuka ati nak letak mana2?

[kacang buncis]

wah! pokok kacang buncis ni mmg betul2 cepat membesar! baru sekarang aku percaya cerita 'jack and the beanstalks' tu. tak sampai sebulan dah keluar hasil (satu je, bukan banyak pun. hehehhehe). owh, kacang buncis yg satu itu telah kupetik, dan kuhiris nipis, campur dalam nasi goreng. sedap je anak2 aku makan.

[lipat kain baju]

anak dara ku sorang ni tetiba nak tolong lipat baju. aku puji2lah dia pandai lipat baju, dgn eksennyer dia menjawab, 'memanglah!'


[doa panjang doa pendek]

Iqbal salin doa ni daripada buku dia. pls ignore huruf2 yg terbalik2 tu. dia kidal. and he's trying hard.

yg ni? doa pendek sebab dah penat salin doa panjang tadi. iqbal tergelak bila dia baca balik apa yg dia tulis ni. heh heh. tau pun salah.


refer kat post aku pasal 'edible garden'. ulat beluncas tu dah jadik kepompong. tapi aku tak sempat tengok menatang apa yg keluar daripada kepompong ni. aku balik keje je, kepompong tu dah lompong. too bad :(

[building a city]

iqbal ni, kalau leka bermain, sampai berjam-jam pun sanggup. tu belum lagi dia susun kereta dan lori segala sepanjang tepi dinding. tapi yg aku perasan, dia mmg suka improvise, he can turn simple things into great wonders. campak aje lah ape kat dia, benang kecik, butang, kotak, serpihan kertas, straw, roda yg tercabut.. semua boleh buat dia leka. 

mmg beza dgn abang iman. iman loves games with rules & skills. main bola, bowling, carrom, boardgames, badminton.. 

dua beradik yg perangai bagai langit dan bumi.

and don't make me start with ayu.

*heh heh.*

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Jangankan gunung Fujiyama, 
puncak Himalaya ku ikut kamu,
Jangankan ke Kamboja
ke Etiopia ku ikut kamu
Kalau benar kamu cinta aku
Ke kutub utara aku ikut kamu..
hate you sinarFM! apesal setiap petang je ko mainkan lagu ni? tak pasal2 lagu ni pulak terngiang2 kat telinga aku sekarang. arrrgggghhhhhhhh.....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

tagged by suhana

the link is here suhanazainal
aku mmg susah nak ingat tarikh, kira ni agak2 je la...

1. When was your engagement?
hmmm... bila yek? akhir tahun 2000 kalau tak silap.

2. When is your marriage anniversary?
18 May 2001 (ni confirm sbb aku baru je check kad nikah aku. heh heh)

3. How long have you known your spouse?
Lama jugak la, sejak zaman iTTM lagi, back in 1995.

4. How long did you date before you got engaged?
3 thn kot?? mcm ni ceritanya, walaupun dah kenal lama, tapi kenal sbg classmate je. last semester in 1997 barulah gatal nak berendut. hihihi.. tapi lepas tu terpisah... dating kat chat room aje la... 

== additional question and answer:
how long did you date before you got married?
4 thn la lebih kurang...

5. Where did you meet your spouse?
masa zaman iTTM, satu kelas.

6. What is your spouse’s full name?
Hazril Ibrahim

7. Do you have any children?

8. How many?
3 (Iman, Iqbal, Ayu).

9. Do you have any pets?
takde. kecuali ulat beluncas yg singgah makan daun pokok limau hari tu. 

10. Do you own or rent?

11. Do you live in the country, city/town?

12. What is your favorite activity you do together?
tengok wayang, belek buku kat kedai buku, makan-makan.

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
takde. suka pergi tempat lain-lain.

14. How many siblings do you have including in-laws?
aku dua beradik je, husband enam beradik.

15. What mosque do you attend?

16. Is this the mosque you got marrried in?

17. What town is your current address?

18. Do you work or stay home?

19. Where did you go for your honeymoon?
KK. takde la honeymoon sgt, husband kena o/station kat situ, aku menempel la sekali. save budget gitu... heh heh.

20. Leave a piece of marriage advice and tagged ur friends.
tutup sebelah mata je la, lagipun aku pun tak se'perfect' mana.... :)

tag kawan2 lain... (aku agak busybody. hehehhe)
- has
- yan
- ira
- muadz
- wan

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

i go

So long, fare thee well

The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong

The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life – you’re my sweetest nightingale
But I can’t hear it here no more
And I go
I go

Hush now, don’t shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face

- Words & Music By Pete Teo. All rights reserved 2008

lirik lagu ni simple sangat, tapi bila dinyanyikan oleh Aizat dgn suara lembut dan seperti berbisik, diiringi pula oleh petikan gitar dan erhu, mmg meruntun hati. a simple song that sounds big. go hear this song. go watch Tale'n'Time.

**uploader :: deennasour. credit to

[terima kasih]
ayu cakap, 'sedaplah omi masak ni. terima kasih, omi..'. aku terkesima beberapa saat, hanya mampu berbunyik, 'hmmmm..??' sambil memandang tepat ke mukanya. ayu hanya tersenyum dan terus makan.

i love you too, ayu. *mmmuah!*

ayu tengah semangat makan. kadang2 lebih daripada abang2nya. aku saja la usik, 'kalau ayu makan nasi banyak sangat, nanti ayu gemuk mcm paksu.' Tiba2, ayu terus nangis, jenuh aku pujuk. last2 dia cakap sambil meneran2 suara konon sedih beno, 'ayu taknak gemuk macam paksu! ayu nak gemuk macam omi!'

owh! aku sungguh terharu. *huhuhu*

bila abah gunting rambut style botak, kecoh la Iman, Iqbal, dan terutamanya Ayu, panggil 'abah botak'. Kadang-kadang ayu panggil, 'abah botak... ooo... abah botak' - dia buat mcm abah tu kawan2 dia aje. Tapi yg buat aku terkejut bila satu petang tu, aku tgh bercakap kat telefon, dgn selambernya ayu tanya aku, 'Omi telefon 'botak' ke???'.

lawan tokey betul. kena sekeh baru tau.

Friday, March 27, 2009

apesal aku baru tau?

Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told

Are you listening to me? Didn't I just tell you to get your coat? Helloooo! It's cold out there...

So goes many a conversation between parent and toddler. It seems everything you tell them either falls on deaf ears or goes in one ear and out the other. But that's not how it works.

Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use, a new study finds.

"I went into this study expecting a completely different set of findings," said psychology professor Yuko Munakata at the University of Colorado at Boulder. "There is a lot of work in the field of cognitive development that focuses on how kids are basically little versions of adults trying to do the same things adults do, but they're just not as good at it yet. What we show here is they are doing something completely different."

Munakata and colleagues used a computer game and a setup that measures the diameter of the pupil of the eye to determine the mental effort of the child to study the cognitive abilities of 3-and-a-half-year-olds and 8-year-olds.

The game involved teaching children simple rules about two cartoon characters - Blue from Blue's Clues and SpongeBob SquarePants - and their preferences for different objects. The children were told that Blue likes watermelon, so they were to press the happy face on the computer screen only when they saw Blue followed by a watermelon. When SpongeBob appeared, they were to press the sad face on the screen.

"The older kids found this sequence easy, because they can anticipate the answer before the object appears," said doctoral student Christopher Chatham, who participated in the study. "But preschoolers fail to anticipate in this way. Instead, they slow down and exert mental effort after being presented with the watermelon, as if they're thinking back to the character they had seen only after the fact."

The pupil measurements showed that 3-year-olds neither plan for the future nor live completely in the present. Instead, they call up the past as they need it.

"For example, let's say it's cold outside and you tell your 3-year-old to go get his jacket out of his bedroom and get ready to go outside," Chatham explained. "You might expect the child to plan for the future, think 'OK it's cold outside so the jacket will keep me warm.' But what we suggest is that this isn't what goes on in a 3-year-old's brain. Rather, they run outside, discover that it is cold, and then retrieve the memory of where their jacket is, and then they go get it."

The findings are detailed this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Munakata figures the results might help with real situations.

"If you just repeat something again and again that requires your young child to prepare for something in advance, that is not likely to be effective," Munakata said. "What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."


oooo.... baru le aku tau apesal bila aku cakap kat anak2 aku diorang buat muka blur jek. penat je aku explain dan bagi reasons sampai keluar semua fakta tentang biology, calculus, fizik, keseimbangan termal, astronomy segala. aduiyaiii.... *aku mmg seorang mak yg over*