Wednesday, September 07, 2005

budak-budak sekarang makin jahat? why?

i still can remember vividly did somethings the elders said we cannot do. ye lah, bila dah beramai2 dengan kawan2... semangat dan perasaan nak buat tu macam diamplified pulak.... but, of coz, we did something outrages, tapi takde la nak bahayakan diri, orang dan harta bende sesapa... we still can think and discuss what's right and wrong...

but when kids kills people and merosakkan harta org lain (berita last weekends - budak umur 9, 10, 11 tahun bakar bas) - this is seriuos! what were they thinking? i watched tv alots gak masa budak2, but i know which is real which is not. so, is tv to blame? how abt parents? yup, both my parents works, pandai2 la nak balik rumah, pegi sekolah ke apa... but still, i didn't go and burn other people properties... so, is parents are to be blame?

what happen to our kids? what happen to our society? didn't they have any sense, and use their pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati? can't they think anymore?

1 comment:

  1. satu solution:


    Bermula dengan iqra', alqalam, almuzammil, almuddathir, and alfatihah. That's it.

    oleh itu jangan bakhil jika tujuannya untuk pendidikan.
