Friday, July 01, 2005

Millionaire in Me (Aril)

Kelmarin ada beli buku 'Millionaire in Me' tulisan Azizi Ali kat IOI Mall. OK la buku tu, easy to understand and worth buying it.

Kalau aku cakap kat orang yang aku nak jadi millionaire, mesti orang tanya 'kenapa kau nak jadi millionaire?'.
Bagi aku soalan tu adalah soalan yang tak relevan. Kenapa orang tak tanya 'Kenapa kau tak nak jadi millionaire?'. For the past 6 months i've been thinking of how to get the first million RM. Projek MLM? Projek Lori? Projek ikan keli? Projek jual imported car? hmmmppphhh.... the weakness in me is just Financial management. Kekadang aku ni boros. Tah hapa hapa tah yang aku beli. Hari tu duit vss aku dapat dalam RM30k dah habis dah. Tapi takpela, nampak le jugak barang yang aku beli, bayar hutang, ambik maid, tolong orang etc.

I feel tired of working with big companies. Dulu celcom, sekarang maxis. Titlenya engineer, but in reality is kuli. This month my payment is RM4500 after epf, socso and PCB deduction. What should i do? hopefully i can finish reading this book early and practice the knowledge inside it. I'm dreaming of having a vacation overseas such as Scotland, Europe, China, US, Japan, Australia, visiting 7 wonders of the world with my wife and kids. But when? Only millionaire can do that things without worries. full stop.

Aril yang tulis.


  1. how about do some saving??

    -ur wife-
    heh heh..

  2. simpan buat modal?? or generate ideas on passive income... any ideas???
