Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hari-hari pegi playground

Nampaknya dah bermulalah rutin kami setiap petang singgah playground.

D'three elders don't do playground anymore, except during weekends. They already exhausted by the time we reached home. But not this little boy. He's full of energy.

Kalau tak bawak dia berlari2 kat padang, atau naik tangga turun gelongsor berulang2 kali, payah la nak tido malam karang. Kita dah lelap mata, dia syok melompat2. Bukan kira gelap lampu dah tutup, atau org tak layan, dia sedap je berguling2 kat badan orang, sambil kaki tangan menyepak sana sini.

Lagi satu yg budak kecik ni dah 'pandai', ialah menconteng. Org menulis dia pun nak tulis sama. Bila bagi pen & kertas, habih terlajak conteng sampai ke cadar, lantai, dinding dan kaki sendiri. Bijakkk.. mmg bijakk..

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Self doubt

Now that i'm in my late 30s, i'm supposed to be wiser, have a strong self esteem and have a high self confident, right? *sigh*

Have u ever feel that, there's certain morning, at the very moment u wake up, u firmly believe that u can take over the world? U're feeling great abt urself, u face everyone with a stride, head helds up. U completed ur paperworks, answering all emails and finished the slides. U greet everyone u met, and love all the attentions that u got. And at the end of the day, u'll tell urself, 'wow! I'm good!'

And there's certain time, u just wanna caved into ur blankie and sleep bcoz u're feeling down. U're worried and keep thinking abt what people might think & talk about u behind ur back. You colleagues might not actually like you that very much. Maybe u hurt other ppl's feeling, maybe u stepped on shoes. There's stale paperworks on ur table, those papers that got stuck in a tangled web of process u don't know how to proceed. U dread everything about ur work, and u just glad that finally u're laying comfortably in ur bed, praying for things to get better.

There's a time that u love what u're doing, but there's also time u're wondering what have u done all these years? Is this what u really wanted to be? Why u're having all this self-doubt?

Thursday, March 05, 2015



Inilah masalahnya guna android, banyak benor apps yg nak dicuba!

I've already downloaded Duolingo, an apps to learn a new language. And i choose spanish! Wahhh kellasss ahkak, lepas ni boleh tengok citer 'yo soy betty la fea' balik, tanpa subtitle. Hahahahahah


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Asrama oh asrama


Ku mengharapkan agar inilah pilihan terbaik buat Iman.
Hope he enjoys growing up with lotsa friends, as much as we did. Yup, both of us budak SBP. Hadoii.. terasa rindu bila terkenang2 zaman persekolahan..

Bila ku khabarkan sms yg menyatakan dia diterima masuk ke SBP bagi sesi panggilan kedua, pantas dia mengangguk tanda setuju. Legaaa.. tak payah nak karang ayat memujuk. Lagipun katanya ramai kawan2nya yg dah pindah masuk asrama. Tu pasal dia pun nak masuk sekolah berasrama jugak.

Abg Iman, omi doakan yg terbaik buat Iman di sana. Belajar betul2, bergumbiralah dengan aktiviti bersukan (i know u love sports) bersama kawan2, dan juga aktiviti beribadah kepada Allah. Have fun, treasure every moment of it. Wishing you all d best n good luck!