Tuesday, March 21, 2006

move those mucles

ni si nurul la yang beria-ia ajak pegi jazzercise. RM50 per month for four sessions. i went for my first class last night. well, what do you know. i never thought group exercise will be so much fun. after seeing (not doing) a lot of aerobik tapes and taibo (sekali je buat beria, lepas tu dah tak buat dah), i imagined my muslces will hurt like hell and i'll gasping for air. but not this one. that's why i love it instantly and can't wait for next monday for my second class!

i hate harsh exercises. it'll make u 'tobat nak buat lagi' only after a single session. but i can tell this one is different. it makes u sweat and move all those mucsles from head to toes and ur heart beats faster and minus the cramps.

oh, did i tell u that this is ladies-only class? anybody wanna join me?


  1. kalau tiap kali lepas exercise singgah makan roti canai, macam tak bermakna sangat je :P

  2. heheheh... nak buat macam mana... lapor giler... tak sempat nak makan...

  3. just imagine, lepas balik exercise tu, perut lapar, hujan lak renyai-renyai, dapat roti canai sekeping panas dan garing, dengan air limau suam-suam kurang manis... peh! sedapppp... gilerrr..

  4. aku pernah cuba exercise secara tarian sekali.. tapi malu ler pasal movement keras... he..he.. jadi, stick to senamrobik je...

  5. sorry for the late comment..
    buleh tau ak kat mane jazzercise ni??
    ada lagik ker?
